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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present


nacsim-5000.htm       NACSIM 5000 Tempest Fundamentals                 December 31, 2000       NACSIM 5000 Tempest Fundamentals (Zipped 570K)   December 31, 2000
nsa-94-106.htm        NSA Specification for Shielded Enclosures        December 30, 2000
nsa-foia-app2.htm     NSA Letter Releasing TEMPEST Documents           December 30, 2000

tempest-2-95.htm      Red/Black Installation Guidance (TEMPEST)        December 30, 2000
pt-surprise.htm       PT Assassination and October Surprise            December 29, 2000
dod122900.txt         DoD Secret Meets and Tools                       December 29, 2000
intel-2001.htm        Prez Signs Intelligence Act for FY 2001          December 28, 2000
legalize-drugs.htm    Uruguay Prez: Stop the War, Legalize Drugs       December 27, 2000

area51-lie.htm        Ex-Area 51 worker says commander lied            December 27, 2000
us-tw122700.txt       List of US-Taiwan Agreements                     December 27, 2000
fbi122600.txt         Report on Domestic Terrorism UnPreparedness      December 26, 2000
fbi-tap-120800.htm    FBI/DOJ Remand Reply on CALEA Wiretap            December 25, 2000
omni-is-spy.htm       Info Systems and Surveillance for Social Control December 24, 2000

fbi-tap-dt.htm        FBI to Wiretap Deutsche Telekom in US            December 23, 2000
ingram-fru.htm        Ulster 'dirty war' inquiry collapses             December 23, 2000
atbcb122100.txt       Final Rule on Net Accessibility                  December 21, 2000
ussc122100.txt        Meth Crimes Emergency Sentencing Guidelines      December 21, 2000
pl-sorm-rip.htm       Poland Wants Sorm-2 and RIP                      December 20, 2000

osa-reform.htm        Reform of the Official Secrets Act               December 20, 2000
crypto-levy.htm       Crypto: When the Code Rebels Beat the Gov        December 20, 2000
jwid99-uk-sec.htm     JWID99 SWG UK Security Policy                    December 20, 2000
hr46.htm              Scary, Sneaky H.R. 46 (Updated)                  December 19, 2000
dii-coe.txt           Defense Info Infra Common Operating Environment  December 19, 2000

johnsmith.htm         Michael John Smith Spy Case and Oporto           December 19, 2000
keyboard.htm          Defense Against Keyboard Loggers                 December 19, 2000
piccs-rep.htm         International Crime Threat Assessment (409K)     December 18, 2000         International Crime Threat Ass't (Zipped,131KB)  December 18, 2000
wh-crime.htm          White House on International Crime Threat        December 18, 2000

dvd-thwart.htm        CA Supreme Court Thwarts Hollywood's DeCSS War   December 18, 2000
cia-2619-rc.htm       Reader Comments on the Crowley Files             December 17, 2000
spook-loot.htm        Spooks Who Loot                                  December 16, 2000
nmd121500.htm         National Missile Defense FEIS                    December 15, 2000
terror-tips.htm       U.S. Offers $7 Million for Tips on Terrorists    December 15, 2000

cjcs121400.htm        CJCS Shelton: Future National Security Threats   December 15, 2000
loy121300.htm         Loy on Transnational Crime                       December 15, 2000
tdct121300.htm        Testimony on Drugs, Crime and Terrorism          December 15, 2000
cia-afio-names.htm    Namebase: Crowley List and AFIO                  December 14, 2000
global-crime.htm      Pro and Con: Convention Against Organized Crime  December 13, 2000

dod121300.txt         DoD Incentives for Innovative Warfare            December 13, 2000
doa120400.txt         Chem Weapons Disposal Study                      December 13, 2000
douglas.htm           Interview with Gregory Douglas                   December 13, 2000
mv22-crash.htm        DoD Press Briefing on MV-22 Crash                December 12, 2000
rowlett-kahn.htm      Frank Rowlett and David Kahn                     December 10, 2000

markov-file.htm       The Moscow Coup and MI6's Murders - Updated      December 9, 2000
cia-namebase.htm      Evaluation of the Crowley List of "CIA Sources"  December 9, 2000
carnivore-no.htm      Norwegian Carnivore Controversy                  December 8, 2000
kitty-hawk-mail.htm   USS Kitty Hawk: You've Got Russian Mail          December 7, 2000
cia-2619.htm          2,619 CIA Sources: The Crowley Files             December 6, 2000

fbi-fisa-fake.htm     FBI Fakes Foreign Intel Surveillance Actions     December 5, 2000
cn-nz-link.htm        Chinese Intelligence New Zealand Connection      December 4, 2000
fac120400.txt         Foreign Assets Control Targets                   December 4, 2000
ncis-carnivore.htm    UK Cops/Spooks Want All UK Communications Data   December 3, 2000
price-natsec.htm      Transcript: What Price National Security?        December 1, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )

OSA Redo 2            Reform of Official Secrets Act Web Site /JD      December 31, 2000

OSA Redo              Official Secrets Act to undergo radical reforms  December 30, 2000
A-EM                  Architectural EM Shielding Handbook /BC          December 28, 2000
SCI2                  Security Classification of Information 2 /SA/JC  December 28, 2000
SCI1                  Security Classification of Information 1 /SA/JC  December 28, 2000
Perp                  Peru Web Site Hunts Former Spy Chief /AS         December 28, 2000

Nope                  Cellular/Wireless Technologies Are Safe? Nope    December 27, 2000
Pearl                 US Readies for Cyberwar /DB                      December 27, 2000
Enc Export            BXA Updated Guidance for Crypto Export           December 26, 2000
NatSec Net            National Security Research on the Internet       December 26, 2000
CI Bib                Counterintelligence Bibliography                 December 26, 2000

Info Lib              Info Liberation/Info Corruption /JB              December 25, 2000
UBT                   Underground Bases and Tunnels                    December 25, 2000
PKC Braid             Public Key Crypto Based on Braid Groups /MA      December 24, 2000
Cable Locks           Sneaky Crypto Cables /TG                         December 23, 2000
Net Library           Internet Library of Law and Court Decisions /MS  December 23, 2000

CU Spies              Spy trial unmasks Cuba secrets /R                December 23, 2000
NSASL                 NSA's Secure Linux /R                            December 23, 2000
GSO                   Global Security Org /A                           December 23, 2000
UKUSUK                Will USG Replace HMG as Most Secrecy Crazed?     December 22, 2000
EU Spy Pact           EU Joint Spy Service to Counter Echelon? /Q      December 21, 2000

Shellout              Shell Challenge on Its Nuclear Reactor /JD       December 21, 2000
4C Plot               Stealth plan for hard drive copy protection /DC  December 20, 2000
Beat Beast            Circumventing Carnivore /S                       December 20, 2000
Carn Con              Slick Carnivore Cheat                            December 20, 2000
EU Gas                Civil Libs Protest Cybercrime Flatulence /Q      December 19, 2000

FBI Gas               FBI Chicken Little Flatulence                    December 19, 2000
PT Off                PT Officials Murdered to Hide October Surprise?  December 18, 2000
US Threats Report     CIA National Intelligence Doc on Global Threats  December 18, 2000
US Threats            Global Threats Against U.S. Will Rise /A         December 18, 2000
Il Docs               On Reading Israel's Declassified Documents /K    December 17, 2000

MP-DC                 Modern Plagues and the Decommissioned Past /CB   December 16, 2000
RU Crypto             3rd International Conference RussCrypto 2001 /MO December 16, 2000
NSCT                  National Strategy for Combatting Terrorism /D    December 15, 2000
SACD                  Security Against Compelled Disclosure /BL        December 15, 2000
Carnivore             Carnivore: Final Technical Review (4.5MB) /MG    December 15, 2000

CN Unrest             CSIS: Potential Unrest in China 2001-06 /MS      December 14, 2000
E/D                   Erben Moglen on Encryption/Decryption Wars /RH   December 14, 2000
INS                   Index: "Intelligence and National Security" /RE  December 14, 2000
Tempest Biz           Tempest Services/Products Suppliers              December 13, 2000
DCI                   CIA Head Tenet Reviews Threats to the US         December 8, 2000

Dr Dish               Awesome Satellite Espionage /JC                  December 5, 2000
Carnivore 5           Five Security Experts Look at Carnivore /MB      December 4, 2000   
TECS                  The Encyclopedia of Computer Security /KT        December 4, 2000
EU DMCA               EU Copyright Common Position /SB                 December 4, 2000
MOOT!                 MOOT! /PF                                        December 3, 2000


bearden.htm           Anti-Hacking Help Needed                         November 30, 2000
dvd-mpaa-ccd5.htm     MPAA Letters to Cryptome and Digital Nation      November 30, 2000
gao01-120.htm         Money Laundering by US Banks for Russians        November 29, 2000
spook-wolfe.htm       Electronic Evidence Gathering                    November 25, 2000
putin-bomb5.htm       Did Putin's Secret Police Bomb Moscow?           November 24, 2000

hmg-murder.htm        HMG Military Intelligence Aided Irish Murders    November 24, 2000
nclis112400.htm       National Public Information Dissemination Policy November 24, 2000
carnivore-rev.htm     IITRI Tech Review of Carnivore System (Complete) November 23, 2000
cia-track2.htm        CIA Track II of Chilean Intervention             November 21, 2000
carnivore-jp.htm      Japan's Carnivore                                November 20, 2000

carnivore-all.htm     Is Carnivore All-Consuming?                      November 20, 2000
echelon-ch.htm        Did Swisscom Sell Secrets to the USA?            November 20, 2000
fbi-rri.htm           FBI: Rabble Rouser Index                         November 20, 2000
cej-v-ca9.htm         Carl Johnson v. 9th Circuit Appeals Court        November 17, 2000
fayed-v-usa-d1.htm    Al Fayed, Punch v. USA Proceedings 13 Nov 2000   November 15, 2000

chile-plot.htm        Kissinger/Nixon Plot Allende Downfall            November 14, 2000
dvd-v-fawkus.htm      DVD CCA v. Derek Fawkus: Motion to Quash         November 14, 2000
spooks-se.htm         Probe of Swedish Spooks Suppressed               November 14, 2000
dis-vote.htm          Disenfranchised by Design                        November 14, 2000
noda111100.htm        Noda Offers Video of CIA-PSIA Bungling           November 14, 2000

info-rights.htm       Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens   November 14, 2000
almartin-raw.htm      Al Martin Raw                                    November 14, 2000
sn110600.htm          Secrecy News 11/06/00                            November 10, 2000
noda110900.htm        Ex-PSIA Official Hironari Noda Released          November 10, 2000
assholes.htm          Seth, Assholes                                   November 4, 2000

cole-hole.htm         USS Cole Hole                                    November 3, 2000
tct-docs2.htm         The China Threat: Spying on US Nuclear Programs  November 3, 2000
tct-docs.htm          The China Threat: Classified Documents           November 2, 2000
natsec-price.htm      What Price National Security?                    November 2, 2000
usa-v-qadea-ms.htm    USA v. Qaeda, Motion to Suppress Statements      November 1, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )

STASI Crack           STASI Codes Cracked, Spies Identified /RE        November 27, 2000
Carnival              FBI's Carnivore review is mixed /TG              November 27, 2000
SNL/Shelby            Sandia Scientist: Sen. Shelby on Polygraphs /GM  November 27, 2000
DRC                   The David Rumsey Map Collection /DN              November 26, 2000
3Dnauta               Cryptology Game /US                              November 24, 2000

TextFinder            Beyond Carnivore /DS                             November 24, 2000
CN Deal               Global Satellite Surveillance /A                 November 24, 2000
Spy Coop              Nicky Hager: Global Internet Surveillance /AM    November 22, 2000
TaxPat                Official Taxpatriates Page /DF                   November 21, 2000
NSA Buy               NSA Reformed Acquisition Program                 November 21, 2000

Gogaz                 Jihad in Chechnya /WK                            November 21, 2000
ATF                   Federal Explosives Law and Regulations           November 21, 2000
Killhim               Killing Pablo Escobar /RW                        November 20, 2000
OSA Hit 2             OSA Hit: Secrets, Spies and Whistleblowers       November 17, 2000
OSA Hit 1             British Blast Official Secrets Act               November 17, 2000

Yano Refuted          Yanomami Allegations Refuted /RS                 November 16, 2000
ACI                   Army Counterintelligence Online /RE              November 16, 2000
FAPSI                 Russian NSA /MA                                  November 16, 2000
RU Intel              Russian Intelligence Community /MA               November 16, 2000
NRO Redo              Report on the National Reconnaissance Office /SA November 14, 2000

US Intel              Documents on the US Intelligence Community       November 14, 2000
CIA Job               CIA Seeks Student Help                           November 14, 2000
CIA Shame             CIA Releases 16,000 Shameful Chile Docs /DL      November 14, 2000
Crypto-lash           Bill Punishes Crypto /CB                         November 14, 2000
7pillars              Intelligence Materials and Course /MW            November 14, 2000

At Home               Urban Warfare Documents /RH                      November 14, 2000
SA Nail 4             HMG Led by the Nose by Secret Services /A        November 2, 2000
OSA Nail 3            Secrets case against army officer dropped /A     November 2, 2000
OSA Nail 2            Charges dropped in secrecy case /A               November 2, 2000
OSA Nail 1            HMG Drops OSA Case Against Nigel Wylde /DR       November 2, 2000


hoj-sh-sc.htm         Home Office, DoJ, Susan Hagan, Sally Croft       October 31, 2000

usa-v-qaeda-po.htm    USA v. Qaeda: Protective Order for Secret Info   October 30, 2000 
osa102900.htm         Vile Official Secret Acts                        October 29, 2000
usa-v-qaeda-ac.htm    USA v. Qaeda: Access to Classified Materials     October 28, 2000
bin-laden-aw.htm      Arrest Warrant for Usama Bin Laden               October 28, 2000
cia-price.htm         What Price to See CIA Classified Documents?      October 27, 2000

nir-ukcrypto.htm      New Intelligence Releases - UK Crypto            October 27, 2000
dmca-dvd.htm          DMCA Final Rule Excerpt: DeCSS Defense Denied    October 27, 2000
dmca102700.txt        DMCA Final Rule: Access Control Circumvention    October 27, 2000
ataxia.htm            Pork Amok: US Chem-Bio Terrorism Confusion       October 26, 2000
af-wake-code.txt      USAF: Wake Island Code                           October 25, 2000

carnivore-demo.htm    FBI Gives Public Demonstration of Carnivore      October 24, 2000
usa-v-mohamed.htm     Ali Mohamed Guilty Plea in US Embassies Bombings October 24, 2000
usa-v-salim.htm       Mamdouh Salim Hearing, US Embassies Bombing Case October 24, 2000
dmca102400.htm        DMCA Hearing Scheduled                           October 24, 2000
dod102400.txt         DoD Secret Meets                                 October 24, 2000

qaeda102000.htm       USA v. Qaeda Docket, October 20, 2000            October 23, 2000
dark-spy.htm          Dark Spying/Logging the Whole Wide Web           October 21, 2000
wipo-imp99-3.htm      WIPO Treaty/DeCSS: Technical Protection Measures October 21, 2000
fayed-v-cia-la.htm    Mohamed Al Fayed Loses Appeal to CIA             October 20, 2000
ns00240r.htm          GAO Update on DoD HE Ammo at Waco Pyre           October 20, 2000

dc-nix-tex.htm        D.C. Limits Tech Fortresses                      October 20, 2000
doj-ji-pi.ppt         DoJ National Information Gathering vs. Privacy   October 20, 2000
nsa-uca.ppt           PowerPoint: NSA Unified Cryptologic Architecture October 20, 2000
bxa101900.txt         EAR Revisions for Encryption Export              October 20, 2000
voa-axed.htm          Clod VOA Editorial Axed                          October 19, 2000

nsa-uca.htm           NSA: Unified Cryptologic Architecture            October 19, 2000
virilio-rma.htm       Virilio on the Revolution in Military Affairs    October 19, 2000
packeteer.htm         Packeteer Part of Carnivore/DragonWare Suite     October 19, 2000
nsa-reorg-net.htm     NSA Internal Team Report on Reorg - Update       October 18, 2000
nsa-reorg-id.htm      Inside Defense on NSA Reorganization Studies     October 17, 2000

nsa-reorg-et.htm      NSA External Team Report on Reorganization       October 17, 2000
s3190.txt             Whistleblower Protection Bill                    October 16, 2000
s3202.txt             Dangerous Biological Agent Control Bill          October 16, 2000
eaa101300.htm         Senate Passes Export-Control Legislation         October 16, 2000
hr4392.htm            Intelligence Funding Act for FY 2001 - USOSA     October 15, 2000

bxa101300.htm         EAR Revised for Export of High-Perform Computers October 14, 2000
lame-uk.htm           Lame UK Dotcoms                                  October 14, 2000
uspto101200.txt       Intellectual Property Law Enforcement Meet       October 12, 2000
nhtsa101100.txt       Drowsy Driver Detection Device                   October 12, 2000
cuban-op-cia.htm      Cuban Ex-Spy Describes Attacks on CIA            October 8, 2000

hpsci-rule.htm        House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence October 8, 2000
nstissc.htm           NSTISSC                                          October 8, 2000
cc-see.htm            Classified Crypto and Spying on the Vatican      October 4, 2000
bxa100300.txt         CCL Revisions for Australia Group                October 4, 2000
bxa092900.txt         BXA Hammers Thane-Coat Again                     October 4, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )

Vile Squat            Beware the ICANN Board Squatters /BL             October 29, 2000

DoDIISI               DoD Intelligence Information System              October 25, 2000
NK Handbook           North Korea Country Handbook                     October 25, 2000
BXA Nix               US Resists Disclosing Export Data /A             October 24, 2000
SDMI Hack             SDMI Hack Information /D                         October 23, 2000
GCJIN                 Global Justice Information Network               October 20, 2000           

SIGSALY               Start of the Digital Age: Encrypted Voice        October 17, 2000
Echelon-DE2           Legal attack against Echelon /CS                 October 15, 2000
Echelon-DE            German Echelon Revelations /P                    October 16, 2000
Corrections           The Corrections Connection /D                    October 14, 2000
Non-Lethal Not        EuroParl Report on Crowd Control Weapons /GD     October 14, 2000

FR-2623               Echelon Report by French Parliament /P           October 14, 2000
Pards                 Cybercitizen Awareness Program /K                October 11, 2000
DoD Lies              DoD Polygraph Handbook /GM                       October 8, 2000
CI Web                A Guide to Internet Counterintelligence Sites    October 8, 2000
FCT                   DoD Foreign War Tools Testing                    October 8, 2000

IanG                  Ian Grigg's Crypto Papers                        October 7, 2000
Marconi               Diffie and Hellman Get Marconi Prize /S          October 7, 2000
Trust-T               Joint BSI/TeleTrusT-Preevaluation Project /SK    October 4, 2000
AES                   Rijndael Selected as AES                         October 2, 2000
Bigger Bro            State Surveillance in the Internet /FB           October 2, 2000


carnivore-tia.htm     CALEA and TIA Beget Carnivore                    September 30, 2000
indyk-spy.htm         Ambassador Martin Indyk an Israeli Spy?          September 30, 2000

CT2600 Mirror         MPAA v. Hughes Motion to Dismiss - Mirror        September 30, 2000
carnivore-mask.htm    Carnivore Review Proposal Unmasked               September 27, 2000
de-intel99.htm        German Government on Spying and Intelligence     September 26, 2000
ru-sormshut.htm       Russian Carnivore to Shut Down?                  September 26, 2000
dutch-crypto.htm      Chief Dutch NSA Crypto Group Going Public        September 26, 2000

bess.htm              Belgian Secret Service Building                  September 25, 2000
rip-pc.htm            Public Input on UK Snooping Codes of Practice    September 25, 2000
sp800-25.htm          NIST Special Pub: Federal Use of PK Technology   September 25, 2000
yanomami.htm          Yanomami Scandal: Darkness in El Dorado          September 24, 2000
noda-arrest.htm       Hironari Noda Arrested in PSIA Dispute           September 24, 2000

dvd-v-521-pqa.htm     DVD CCA v. 521 - Pavlovich Quash Denial Appeal   September 21, 2000
kill-hr4445.htm       Kill HR4445 Telecom Net-Freeloading Bill         September 20, 2000
decss-demon.htm       DeCSS and Demon Internet                         September 20, 2000
pto091800.txt         Patents Revision Final Rule                      September 19, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-lk3.htm   MPAA v. 2600 - Revised Order September 8, 2000   September 18, 2000

kursk.htm             The Curse of the Kursk                           September 18, 2000
madder-mp.htm         MAD Getting Madder at Ex-Agent                   September 18, 2000
cointel-cc.htm        Counterintelligence Cause for Concern            September 16, 2000
ru-intel.htm          Russian Intelligence Site                        September 16, 2000
doj-igm-232.htm       DoJ Inspector General Investigations/Arrests     September 16, 2000

pgp-badbug2.htm       PGP "unhashed subpacket" problem possibly worse  September 15, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-dkt.txt   MPAA v. 2600 Court Docket                        September 15, 2000
cptwg092000.htm       MPAA Copy Protection Working Group Session       September 15, 2000
hvu9.htm              FR National Defense Secret Radio Frequencies     September 15, 2000
bxa091300.txt         BXA Rule on Crime Control Exports                September 15, 2000

bxa091300.htm         Crypto Export Relaxation Rule Due Soon           September 14, 2000
fbi091400.txt         National Domestic Preparedness Meet              September 14, 2000
jrcfac091400.txt      Commission on Narco Kingpin Assets               September 14, 2000
mad-mann-yak2.htm     Showdown Between Michael P. and MAD              September 14, 2000
larsen091200.htm      French Hacker Terrorized by Terrible Judge       September 12, 2000

dod-cip.htm           DoD Critical Infrastructure Protection Plans     September 11, 2000
af-hb202d.htm         Air Force EI Tempest Installation Handbook       September 10, 2000
mad-mann-yak.htm      German Classified Discussion of Illegal Spying   September 8, 2000
afssi5020.htm         Air Force Instruction on Remanence Security      September 8, 2000
cjcsi-3320.htm        Military Electromagnetic Spectrum Instructions   September 7, 2000

mp-db090600.htm       Michael P. v. Bundestag                          September 7, 2000
wiretap-2000.htm      Legal Interception in the New Millennium         September 5, 2000
doj-igm-226.htm       DoJ Inspector General Investigations/Interviews  September 5, 2000
pdd63.htm             Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-63           September 4, 2000
nsa-sabotage.htm      A Pocket Guide to NSA Sabotage                   September 2, 2000

wjc083100.htm         Prez Helps High Performance Contributors         September 2, 2000
usn090600.txt         US Navy Crypto Keyloader Purchase                September 2, 2000
bmdo090600.txt        US-RU RAMOS Satellite Support                    September 2, 2000
fayed-v-usa.htm       Mohamed Al Fayed and Punch v. USA                September 1, 2000
calea-atis.htm        CALEA Wiretap Summit Scheduled September 14      September 1, 2000
O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )
FCC Spy               TIA Report to FCC on Internet Spying /FV         September 30, 2000
Linux Crypto          How to Do Linux Crypto /BF                       September 27, 2000

EU Crime              Council of Europe Draft Cybercrime Treaty /PP    September 27, 2000
NSA Doors             Wayne Madsen Spotlights NSA Backdoors /5         September 27, 2000
CT2600                MPAA v. Hughes Motion to Dismiss /EM             September 27, 2000
NatSec?               Why Study National Security? /BC                 September 26, 2000
NI MI6                The Gaul and Britain's Trawler Spy-ops /DF       September 26, 2000

CISEN                 Mexican Investigation and National Security /EG  September 26, 2000
IFSD                  International Forum on Surveillance by Design    September 26, 2000
PHR                   Privacy and Human Rights 2000                    September 26, 2000
Chile                 CIA Chile Files /RR                              September 26, 2000
pgp-what.htm          What Has PGP® Become?                            September 20, 2000               

PKI                   Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures /SB        September 20, 2000
Lies Cult 2           Cult of Classification in Intelligence /AT JK    September 19, 2000   
Lies Cult 1           The Lie Behind the Lie Detector /GM              September 19, 2000
HVU7                  French Government Radio Secrets                  September 18, 2000
Sec Docs              Security Publications                            September 10, 2000

Swissair EMI          Swissair 111, TWA 800, and EMI /D                September 7, 2000
UK Crack              How UK Cracked Japanese Code, Not US /A          September 5, 2000
Nuke Risks            Nuclear Warhead Risks                            September 3, 2000
Nuke Data             Swords of Armageddon: Nuclear Weapons Data       Septebmer 3, 2000
Meaters               Blaze and Bellovin on Carnivore Risks /MB        September 2, 2000


pgp-ltl.htm           Less Than Lethal PGP                             August 29, 2000
pecsenc082900.txt     BXA Crypto Panel Meet                            August 29, 2000
dvd-mpaa-ccd4.htm     MPAA Notice to Cryptome on DeCSS 3               August 29, 2000

shayler-why.htm       Why Prosecute David Shayler?                     August 28, 2000
promis-mossad.htm     The Promis of Mossad                             August 28, 2000
bxa082800.txt         BXA Regs and Procedures TAC Meet                 August 28, 2000
csspab082800.txt      CompSec and Privacy Board Meet                   August 28, 2000
cia-iran-pdf.htm      New York Times PDF Files of Iran Overthrow       August 28, 2000

pgp-adkold.htm        Ralf Senderek: PGP ADK Warning Update            August 28, 2000
fbi-spy-prez.htm      Louis Freeh Spies on Bill Clinton                August 28, 2000
pgp-reborn.htm        Call for Restored PGP Freeware Confidence        August 27, 2000
mad-outlaw.htm        German MAD Internal Spy Operation Illegal        August 26, 2000
pgp-adkfix.htm        PGP Releases ADK Bug Fix                         August 26, 2000

These versions fix the ADK bug (@ JYA):     PGP Freeware 6.5.8 for Windows (7.8MB)           August 26, 2000
PGPFW658Mac_sit.bin   PGP Freeware 6.5.8 for Mac (5.6MB)               August 26, 2000
dvd-v-521-opq.htm     DVD v. 521 - Opposition to Pavolovich Quash      August 25, 2000
pgp-badbug.htm        Serious Bug in PGP - Versions 5 and 6 Update     August 25, 2000
carnivore-mega.htm    FBI Carnivore Mega Telecom Echelon Octopussy     August 25, 2000

carnivore-rfp.htm     Carnivore Evaluation RFP                         August 24, 2000
mad-threats.htm       German Defense Ministry Threatens Michael P.     August 24, 2000
dvd-nutcase.htm       Nutcase DVD/DeCSS Decision                       August 24, 2000
verio-ntt-vpp.htm     Inquiry on NTT/Verio Privacy Policy              August 23, 2000
af082300.txt          Air Force Seeks Crypto Proposals                 August 23, 2000

dos082300.txt         State Dept Meet on Global Comm and Info          August 23, 2000
nara082300.txt        NARA Proposed Rule on E/FOIA                     August 23, 2000
dod082100.htm         Cohen: "Superpower" Draws Asymmetrical Threats   August 22, 2000
disa082200.txt        DISA Continuity of Ops "button up" Records       August 22, 2000
nssg082200.txt        National Security Study Group Secret Meet        August 22, 2000

pitac082200.txt       Prez InfoTech Advisory Panel Open Meet           August 22, 2000
julie-ann-free.htm    HMG Drops Julia-Ann Davies Case                  August 22, 2000
carnivore-plus.htm    Beyond Carnivore                                 August 22, 2000
dos082100.htm         World Military Arms Expenditures 1998            August 21, 2000
vorwort.htm           MAD: German Military Intel Service Updates 1-8   August 21, 2000

the-61.htm            "The 61" Update 3                                August 21, 2000
newsham-hit.htm       Margaret Newsham Guard Dog Attacked              August 21, 2000
richelson-opp2.htm    Richelson Responds to Campbell and Lashmar       August 19, 2000
mad-v-mann.htm        German Military Intel Covert Agent on the Net    August 18, 2000
mpaa-lk-flaw.htm      The Remarkable MPAA Decision                     August 18, 2000

mpaa-cptwg.htm        MPAA Copy Protection Technical Work Group Meet   August 18, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-lkd.htm   MPAA v. 2600 - Decision for MPAA                 August 18, 2000
tel-snoop-co.htm      Colombia Orders Control of Prepaid Call Cards    August 17, 2000
cryptome-dos.htm      DoS Attack on Cryptome                           August 17, 2000
cia-auc.htm           CIA: Analytical Uses of Collaboration            August 16, 2000

dos081600.txt         RFP International Law Enforcement Academy        August 16, 2000
ussc081600.txt        US Courts Sentencing Guidelines                  August 16, 2000
dtc081600.txt         US Arms Export Licenses                          August 16, 2000
nsa081700.txt         NSA Technology Expo                              August 16, 2000
verio-ntt-sec3.htm    US Clears NTT Acquisition of Verio               August 16, 2000

carnivore-rf2.htm     Is Forno's Carnivore Article a Joke?             August 16, 2000
letters-es.htm        Letters from Alcàsser (Spain)                    August 15, 2000
estonia.htm           ESTONIA Ferry Disaster                           August 15, 2000
calea081500.htm       CALEA Wiretap Decision: USTA v. FCC              August 15, 2000
bloomberg-bust.htm    US Arrests Kazakstan Hackers                     August 15, 2000

Response.htm          Campbell/Lashmar To Richelson On US Biz Spying   August 13, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-ptb.htm   MPAA v. 2600 - MPAA's Post-Trial Brief           August 11, 2000
nsa-crypto33-2.htm    More on NSA 1933 Cryptographic System            August 11, 2000
verio-ntt-sec2.htm    NTT-Verio, FBI Agree on Wiretapping Pact         Agusut 11, 2000
cjsci-ccp-oia.htm     Chairman JCS Instructions on Crypto and Intel    August 10, 2000

verio-ntt-sec.htm     Verio, NTT, FBI, National Security               August 10, 2000
g8-bust.htm           Paris G8 Closed Meeting                          August 9, 2000
rip-bust.htm          Bust RIP: Big-Brown Envelope Project             August 9, 2000        DVD CCA CSS License and Procedures (215K)        August 8, 2000
tempest-fret.htm      Pentagon Worries About Tempest Threat            August 7, 2000

carnivore-rf.htm      Who's Afraid of Carnivore? Not Me!               August 6, 2000
mi6-sd-index.htm      Index: MI6: Inside the Covert World of HM SIS    August 6, 2000
echelon-wily.htm      Echelon Wildly Exaggerated - Wily Official       August 6, 2000
garden-plot.htm       Garden Plot: US Mililtary on Civil Disturbances  August 5, 2000

RIPAct.htm            Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000      August 4, 2000
cycrime072600.htm     Interpol/FBI on Cybercrime Strategies            August 4, 2000
nsa-crypto33.htm      NSA 1933 Cryptographic System                    August 4, 2000
cia-cryptome.htm      Cryptome Discloses Ex-CIA Link                   August 3, 2000
cia-ath-pt1.htm       CIA: Intelligence Analysis Training Handbook Pt1 August 3, 2000

rnc2000-frp.htm       RNC 2000 Federal Response Plan - 95% Complete    August 2, 2000
dvd-v-521-mpq.htm     DVD v. 521 - Pavlovich Motion to Quash Summons   August 2, 2000
echelon-deaf.htm      Echelon: Deaf Ears                               August 1, 2000
nist072500.htm        NIST Workshop: Symmetric Key Block Cipher Algos  August 1, 2000
hd106-256.txt         Prez Report on Export Administration Unlaw       August 1, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )

TRAC                  Comprehensive Info on Federal Law Enforcement    August 29, 2000
FBI Eye               Report on FBI Staffing and Tasks                 August 29, 2000
FBI Wink              FBI Obsession with Secrecy                       August 29, 2000
OSA Redo              Why Reform the Official Secrets Act? /GD         August 29, 2000
HPC Galore            Silicon Valley Gets Clinton Gift /A              August 28, 2000               

Bigger Bro            FBI Spying Has Risen Sharply /D                  August 28, 2000     PGP Freeware 6.5.8 for Windows (7.8MB) /BD       August 28, 2000
PGPFW658Mac_sit.bin   PGP Freeware 6.5.8 for Mac (5.6MB) /BD           August 28, 2000
Anti-Global           Canadian Intel Report on Anti-Globalization /A   August 27, 2000
Tomlinson             MI6 Offers Deal to Tomlinson                     August 27, 2000

Shayler               Shayler: Don't Shoot the Messenger /CM           August 27, 2000
Union                 UK Spies To Get Trade Union                      August 27, 2000
Trust Who?            Who Trusts the Trustees? Java Backdoor /CK       August 26, 2000          PGPi.Org Offer of PGP 6.5.8 Win /AM              August 26, 2000
Promis                Rigged software claimed to hack intel files /K   August 25, 2000

Open War              Peter Wayner on Open Source War                  August 25, 2000
EU Choke              EU Plans to Limit Information Access /CSH        August 23, 2000
OAR                   David Shayler OSAed and RIPed /DF                August 21, 2000
Nix Snitch            Free Sun Solaris Encryption /DG                  August 19, 2000
Snitch                Patent: Device for surveilling persons /P        August 19, 2000

CICentre              Center for Counterintel and Security Studies     August 17, 2000
HPC                   BXA Update on High Performance Computer Exports  August 15, 2000
IC21                  Intelligence Community 21st Century /BE          August 15, 2000
Rogue Spies 3         CIA Won't Declassify Some Chile Files /D         August 11, 2000
Rogue Spies 2         Carnivore & RIP: Beware Double-Edged Sword /AS   August 11, 2000

Rogue Spies 1         The Spy in Your Server /OB                       August 10, 2000
IOps                  US Army Info Operations in Peacetime /A          August 9, 2000
PT Brief              MPAA v. 2600 - 2600 Post-Trial Brief /RG         August 9, 2000
Rules                 Making Up Rules: Interception v. Privacy /BW     August 9, 2000
Yo!NK                 Shawn Reimerdes v. MPAA/RIAA /A                  August 7, 2000

USMC Vox              USMC Joins Intelligence Reform Debate /A         August 7, 2000
SCL                   Strategic Communications Laboratories /WK        August 7, 2000
Le Cercle             Pinay Cercle /KF                                 August 7, 2000
Black Dog             Operation Black Dog: Gulf CBWar /KF              August 7, 2000
DEA?                  DEA Polygraph Examination Questions /A           August 7, 2000

IRWP                  Information Revolution and World Politics /DD    August 4, 2000
Cylinked2             An Old Spy with a New Vision of Encryption /AM   August 4, 2000
Dutch                 Dutch Police/Intel Crackers/Spooks /JH/MB        August 4, 2000
InteLeaks             Intelligence Leaks and Plumbers /AS              August 3, 2000
Pioneer DVD           Pioneer DVD Site Yanked /A (mirror)          August 3, 2000


email-bust.htm        'I arrest you for emailing'                      July 31, 2000
dos073100.txt         Grants for Intelligence on Europe and ISFSU      July 31, 2000

doj073100.txt         RFC: Financial Privacy and Bankruptcy            July 31, 2000
mi6-sd36.htm          MI6: On Her Majesty's Secret Service             July 29, 2000
psia-lists-jp.htm     PSIA Member Lists in Japanese                    July 28, 2000
s1801-pgs.htm         The Public Interest Declassification Act         July 27, 2000
cryptome-out.htm      Cryptome Outage Questioned                       July 25, 2000

noda072300.htm        Hironari Noda on the PSIA and CIA                July 23, 2000
cia-ico.htm           Intelligence Community Overview                  July 22, 2000
fbi-psia.htm          FBI Requests PSIA Lists Removal                  July 22, 2000
psia-lists.htm        Public Security Investigation Agency Members     July 22, 2000
cia-atpip.htm         CIA Training for Intelligence Producers          July 22, 2000

cia-psia.htm          CIA Briefs PSIA                                  July 22, 2000
bxa072100.htm         BXA Summary of Proposed Encryption Regulation    July 21, 2000
carnivore-mbsb.htm    Blaze/Bellovin/FBI on Open Source Wiretapping    July 21, 2000
nist071300.htm        New Information Retrieval Technology             July 17, 2000
us-crypto-up.htm      US Updates Encryption Export Policy              July 17, 2000

mas071200.htm         US Report on Counterterrorism and South Asia     July 17, 2000
rip-intact.htm        RIP Stays Intact, Privacy Doomed                 July 17, 2000
crypto-us-eu.htm      Best US Crypto to be Sold to EU                  July 15, 2000
intel-forum2.htm      Intelligence Forum                               July 15, 2000
lhs071000.htm         Tax Administration in a Global Era               July 15, 2000

echelon-coelho.htm    Echelon Investigator Coelho Under Surveillance   July 14, 2000
listfobap.htm         Report on Secret Mexican Bank Bailout List       July 13, 2000
listfobap.doc         Secret Mexican Bank Bailout List (1MB)           July 13, 2000         Secret Mexican Bank Bailout List (Zipped, 131KB) July 13, 2000
richelson-opp.htm     Richelson Disputes US Economic-Spying Report     July 12, 2000

fbi-sucks2.htm        ACLU and Corn-Revere Target FBI Carnivore        July 12, 2000
fbi-sucks.htm         FBI Carnivore Sucks E-Mail Millions              July 11, 2000
echelon-30.htm        30 Nations Have Spy Stations                     July 10, 2000
us-cable1.htm         America's First Encrypted Cable                  July 9, 2000
gov-spy-com.htm       Government Spying for Commercial Gain            July 8, 2000

dvd-v-ab-arb.htm      DVD CCA v. Brunner - Appellant's Reply Brief     July 8, 2000
cia-iran-lob.htm      The 1953 Coup in Iran: an Iranian insider's view July 2, 2000
nsa-patents.htm       NSA Patents 1979-2000                            July 1, 2000
infosec-news.htm      InfoSec News                                     July 1, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-dms.htm   MPAA v. 2600 - Declaration of Michael Shamos     July 1, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )

Tips                  BXA Confidential Enforcement Leads/Tips          July 31, 2000
Leaks                 Fighting online leaks /DV                        July 31, 2000
Death of Privacy      Survey of Privacy-Invasive Technologies /MF      July 31, 2000
DeCSS or DVD          Free Speech Rights for Computer Code /EE         July 31, 2000

2600 Last             MPAA v. 2600 Last Day of Trial Transcript /EK    July 28, 2000
FBI Gag               FBI Bans Polygraphy Testimony /A                 July 28, 2000
IG                    Intelligence Glossary /AS                        July 28, 2000
Ask NSA               Ask NSA on Slashdot /RA                          July 27, 2000
USpies                U.S. spies on corruption overseas /RW            July 25, 2000

HTCIA                 High Technology Crime Investigation Association  July 21, 2000
2600-4                MPAA v. 2600 Trial Day 4 Transcript /EK          July 21, 2000
Kaplan2               MPAA v. 2600 Further Order on Motion to Recuse   July 20, 2000
Kaplan1               MPAA v. 2600 Opinion Denying Motion to Recuse    July 20, 2000
EFF Ups               MPAA v. 2600 EFF Archive of Trial Updates        July 20, 2000

EFF Docs              MPAA v. 2600 EFF Archive of Case Docs            July 20, 2000
2600-3                MPAA v. 2600 Trial Day 3 Transcript /EK          July 20, 2000
2600-2                MPAA v. 2600 Trial Day 2 Transcript /EK          July 19, 2000
2600-1                MPAA v. 2600 Trial Day 1 Transcript /EK          July 19, 2000
TWA800                Are 100 Witnesses of TWA800 Missile Wrong? /A    July 17, 2000

PDFed                 Planet PDF on CIA Iran Report Goof               July 11, 2000
Skin                  Skin Flake Plume Betrays ID/Contraband /NYT      July 10, 2000
DXQA                  BXA Deemed Exports Q&A                           July 8, 2000
ENC                   BXA Crypto Export Chart                          July 8, 2000
NTRU                  Public Key Cryptosystem Patent                   July 3, 2000